Accessibility and Disability Resources


If you need more information, have questions about the online trainings, and/or to request assistance in accessing our trainings or programs, please contact Jessica Schulz, Assistant Director of Education, Prevention, and Training at

The Title IX Office strives to have our website, resource information, and trainings accessible for all students, staff, and faculty. Please inform us if you see an area for improvement by emailing Jessica Schulz (email above). 

Additional Campus Resources and Partners:


The Disability Resource Center provides a variety of accommodations and services to currently enrolled UCSC students to support them in making the most of their educational experience.

1156 High Street
125 Hahn Student Services
Santa Cruz, CA 95064-1077

Phone: (831) 459-2089
Fax: (831) 459-5064

Office Hours:
M-F: 8 AM to 5 PM
Summer Hours:
M-F: 9 AM to 4 PM

Staff and Faculty

For Workplace Accommodations Contact:
Kelly Roberts, Disability Management Coordinator
phone: 831-459-4602

For information about Filing a Complaint or Grievance visit

National Resource

National Council on Disabilities Resource